Dia-chem S.r.l. is born in 1989 from a group of managers who have gained significant experience for years in the world of national and international diagnostics. They collaborate with a team of researchers to develop and standardize kit in molecular biology. Dia-chem, since its creation, is focused on innovation and collaboration with the international scientific community. This international presence reinforces the capability to offer solutions to the clinical diagnostics and to anticipate client’s needs.
Dia-chem S.r.l. is on the market with the following diagnostic lines: drug resistance, oncohematology, oncology and epigenetic, haemostasis and thrombosis, hemochromatosis, virology, neurology, infertility, panel for the predisposition to inflammation, predisposition to alimentary intolerance and recurring miscarriage. Our proposal is focused on quality, practicality and implementation of international reference techniques, with particular attention to the management costs.
Our main goal is to identify and satisfy clients’ needs. This implies solving their problems and anticipate their demands keeping in close touch. Customer advisory is a key element in our strategy for the kit developing and production in order to satisfy the market needs and exceed expectations. Our core business is the molecular analysis of DNA, RNA and proteins carried out in molecular diagnostics labs. The modern and innovative analysis based on nucleic acids revelation offers many advantages over traditional methods for diagnostics. These procedures allow to reveal genetic mutations, chromosomal rearrangements, chromosomal translocations, insertions, deletions, viral, bacterial, parasitic diseases much quicker and with an higher sensitivity and specificity. As genetic and protein target, the cause of a disease can be found more precisely, allowing the most suitable therapy to be adopted.
The molecular diagnostic in modern medicine provides the necessary tools for the development of new strategies in the fight against many diseases. Hospitals and diagnostic laboratories using these techniques require high sensitivity, high specificity, easiness of use, fast analytical timing and limited costs.
Dia-Chem offers a wide range of technical tests based on Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique (PCR RFLP), Sanger sequencing, PCR Cold (RFLP) Cold PCR Sanger sequencing which can be provided both directly to the health operators and through distributors. These kits are independent from instrumentation and can be used on different analytical platforms such as: Rotor-Gene™ (Qiagen), LineGeneKTM (Bioer Technologies), iQ5, CFXTM (BioRad), SmartCycler™ (Cepheid), Applied Biosystems 7300/7500, StepOne, MX3005PTM, MX3000 PTM (Agilent Technologies).
Dia-chem S.r.l. is one of the founder partners of the technological district “CAMPANIA BIOSCIENCE s c a r l”. It is registered in the “National register of research of Ministry of Education, University and Research” (MIUR) N.60236RGP.
During the past years Dia-chem has been participating to different projects such as:
“PON 0003PE_00060_8” as a partner of Clinical Pathology Department AOUP Federico II (Naples), supervisor Prof. F. Bequinot, titled: “pre-clinical development and evaluation of phase 0 and phase 1 of molecules having pharmaceutical nutraceutical and cosmeceutical action for already approved molecules”.
And in POR “Terra del Buono” as leading subject of POR of Campania region in partnership with CNR-IEOS titled “Technological transfer project of first industrialization for high potential and innovative companies for fighting oncological diseases”.
All kits in the catalogue are IVD and CE marked, conformed to 98/79 guideline.

our certifications